• Medical Condition

    Lung Cancer Awareness: How much do you know about lung cancer?

    What is lung cancer? Lung cancer is a malignant growth that originates in the lung tissues when normal lung cells change to abnormal cells, which multiply uncontrollably and invade the surrounding healthy lung tissues. The cancerous cells can spread to other parts of the body via lymphatic or blood vessels by a process known as metastasis. According to Global Cancer Observatory (GLOBOCON) 2020 cancer statistics and estimates of 36 cancers from 186 countries, lung cancer is the second most common cancer worldwide, surpassed only by breast cancer.It causes the highest number of cancer deaths, about 1.8 million deaths annually.  What are the risk factors for lung cancer? The following are…

  • Medical Condition

    Breast Cancer Awareness: What you need to know about Breast Cancer

    What is Breast Cancer? Breast cancer is a condition that arises when normal breast cells accumulate abnormal changes in their genetic material (DNA mutation) and are transformed into harmful cancer cells that grow uncontrollably and live longer than usual, damaging surrounding breast tissue. The cells can spread to other sites in the body by a process known as metastasis. Breast cancer can affect males and females, but it’s more common among females. It is the commonest cancer among women, with up to 2.3 million new cases and close to 700,000 deaths attributed to the disease worldwide. The rate at which new cases of breast cancer are diagnosed is higher in…